The Road to here

Michael and Trisha Hyodo have been married since 1989. Unbeknownst to us at that time, we had actually met before and have a photograph of the two of us sitting side by side when we were just two years old. Trisha’s parents knew Mike’s father from High School in Washington State and when they decided to drive down to California where Mike’s family lived, they stopped by and took a photograph of us together when we were toddlers.

photo of mike and trisha

God had a plan for us and we see His hand in our lives since we were very young. Even our marriage was meant to be.

When Mike attended the University of Washington as a freshman, he met Trisha who was a senior at Sammamish High School in Bellevue. We instantly feel in love and got married in 1989, one year after Mike completed Dental School. Mike completed his Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology and then Doctor of Dental Surgery degree all at the University of Washington, while Trisha obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Visual Communications at Western Washington University. She then joined Delta Air Lines as a flight attendant.

wedding day

In the early years of our marriage, we had all the things that one could think of to bring satisfaction in life. Money, material things, vacations, a nice home and family…but there was something deep down that was missing in our lives. No matter how hard we tried, our lives began to unravel until a low point in 1998 when Mike was demonically tormented and ended up getting beaten by police. After being admitted to Harborview Hospital in Seattle, he had a visitation from the Lord Jesus Christ and their lives drastically changed.

After Mike received the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ, he was delivered from demons through WMI. Trisha was also saved and Mike read the bible eight times in the first two years of his young Christian life. He joined WMI and began to do short-term mission trips to many countries, including Romania, Jamaica, Russia, El Salvador, Cuba, Japan, Israel, Kenya, Liberia, Ghana, Burundi, among other nations.

Mike had felt a calling from God to become a pastor and to commit his life to full-time ministry. We didn’t know how to deal with this since we never heard of a Japanese-American dentist who did something like this. After asking the Lord to confirm this calling, Mike went to church and out of the blue, a man gave him an old newspaper article about a Japanese-American dentist who quit his dental practice and went into full-time ministry. The call was confirmed.

Mike received his Christian Education, obtaining a Bachelor of Theology, Master of Theology, Master of Divinity and Doctor of Theology degrees from the Christian Life School of Theology and is an ordained pastor with the Independent Assemblies.

How about you?

Where is your road leading? If you would like to receive the blessed assurance of your salvation, please pray to the Lord: “Lord, I am a sinner in need of salvation. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for my sins by the shedding of His blood, and He overcame death for me by His death on the cross. Jesus, please forgive me my sins and come into my heart. Thank you for saving me today.”

If you have prayed this prayer, please email us to let us know

God bless you!