Welcome to our journey
Hello and welcome to our new website and blog. For several years we have not had a website up. We used to have one that we created ourselves on our Macbook iWeb, but when they had switched the format over we lost it and haven’t put one up until now.
So we are starting over again. Our main goal with this site is to inform you of what we have done and what we are doing as missionaries in Kenya. Also, another goal is to invite you to partner with us in prayer and financially so that we can continue to do the work that we do.
Mike is an ordained pastor and is serving with an international missions prophetic ministry called World Ministries International (WMI) based in Stanwood, Washington. He is also a dentist and is the department head of benevolence at WMI.
We have lived in Kenya as a family since 2006. Although Mike has done many mission trips to several countries in the past and our family lived in Jamaica for a short time as missionaries, this has been our major full-time missions endeavor that we have undertaken.
We work with orphanages and orphans. We also help out orphan babies through the Nest orphanage and halfway house. We have had 14 babies so far, that are usually in need of extra time and attention that the orphanage might need help with. The majority of them have been adopted, from local Kenyan families and mostly from European families.
Some of our time is also dedicated to working in slums and poor areas. We have done many projects for slum schools such as the Comido School in the Mukuru Kwa Njenga slum and the Mcedo school in the Mathare slum. This would include not only visiting and encouraging, but things like borehole wells, libraries, kitchens, energy-saving ovens, food, clothes, painting projects, solar lights installation into the roofs, teacher and student scholarships and support, wood, chairs and desks, and other miscellaneous relief, projects, and support. We also work with street kids and help to visit and make relationship with people living on the street and to try to get them off drugs and educated and trained for a future worth living. This is done by partnering with other NGO’s and ministries such as the Made in the Streets ministry and the Mission of Hope ministry.
We also operate a bible school called the WMI-Kenya bible school in downtown Nairobi and are trying to expand throughout Kenya by opening satellite schools. The school is a DVD-based format that offers certificate as well as degree programs through the World Ministries International School and Theology and the Christian Life Educators Network, offering degrees through the Christian Life School of Theology based in Columbus, Georgia.
We also have some dental clinics and do free dental camps with portable dental equipment for upcountry and poor areas. So far, we have built 2 dental clinics in Jamaica, and a clinic in Russia, Romania, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and 10 in Kenya. 3 of the clinics here in Kenya we directly oversee and manage. Because we do charge fees to most of the patients that we offer dental services to in these 3 clinics, 2 of them do generate profit that goes to subsidize the expenses of our ministry here in Kenya.
We also organize meetings with church and political leaders, churches, and crusade meetings especially when the director of our ministry, Dr. Jonathan Hansen, visits Kenya.
When we visit areas, we also do evangelism and food outreaches. We show the Jesus film that can be played in Kiswahili as well as some local tribal languages. There are 42 different tribes in Kenya, although most people can speak in English or Kiswahili.
We also host mission teams and have had small groups that stay in our home to large groups. We even had one group of over 50 people that came from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry.
We also have found ourselves ministering and helping not only Kenyans, but also many missionaries, especially new ones, that find themselves in need of assistance in Kenya.
We ask that you pray for our family and our ministry. There are times where the “going gets tough” and we find ourselves not as “tough” as we think we are-so it is hard to “get going”. We have always trusted in God as our strength and joy, and obviously He has always provided all of our needs, as we are still here after all these years. But it is also wise to pray and we do ask for you to pray for us, not only for protection and provision-favor and blessing, of course, but also for wisdom, discernment, spiritual understanding and growth into God’s perfect will. We have not arrived and are full of flaws, and worldly issues that we want to overcome and need your help to attain victory. As parents, we also do ask for prayer for our children…for all the things that parents worry about: protection, making wise choices, education, relationships, jobs and financial concerns, etc.
We also ask you for your financial help. Only full-time missionaries can truly understand what it takes to do what we do. Suffice it to say that often there is a cost that cannot be anticipated and or quantified when you serve in overseas ministry. This includes, but is not limited to financial.
We are blessed because Mike does have the ability to work in Washington State as a dentist. This enables us to earn income to help pay for expenses for our family, and for the expenses of the ministry. We are blessed because Trisha does still work as a flight attendant for Delta Airlines, enabling Mike and our family to travel at reduced airline fares, making it possible for him to fly back and forth to work.
We are also blessed because we are not needy for money. We have a handful of regular supporters for our family who give a very small percentage of what we need financially to survive. We also have some people that will give us one-time donations or occasional donations. But the majority of our financial support right now is when Mike travels back to the US to work in the dental clinic there. We do not have any major donations from any church, group, family or individual. There is one church in the US that does give us regular support, but again, it is only a very small percentage of what is needed for our family and our ministry here.
But we consider this also a blessing because when Mike goes to churches to preach or when he speaks anywhere, he has the liberty to share what is really on his heart and what he really feels that the Lord Jesus Christ might want him to share. He does not have the pressure to compromise or water down the message out of worry that they might not like what he has to say and thereby eliminate their support of him.
In this way, we are pure before men and before God. Although we do have accountability to World Ministries International and to the ordination body over us, we also have the freedom to do what we choose out of the motivation and purity of our hearts without influence or fear. We have appropriated what the bible says in John 8:36 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
[button link=”/support/giving-to-our-cause” size=”small” align=”right”]Give to our mission[/button]So we do ask for you to give please. Give to us financially. When you do, not only can you write if off because we are a non-profit, 501c3, but because this will allow Mike to not have to travel as much back to the US to work, enabling us to do more in Kenya and also for International missions around the world.
You can give through our website here, or you can also contact our parent ministry at:
World Ministries International
P.O. Box 277
Stanwood, WA 98292
(360) 629-5248
We will try to do regular updates. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions at mikehyodo@hotmail.com
Love you!!!